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Tag : malware  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How do I stop adware and websites opening a new tab when I click on a link when using Chrome?
ID: /2016/09/04/How-do-I-stop-adware-and-websites-opening-a-new-tab-when-I-click-on-a-link-when-using-Chrome_
Created: September 4, 2016
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50 million people and myself are using Adblock Plus for Google Chrome. It works with Linux and Windows Chrome.

It will not only block the malware that is plaguing you now but also normal pop-up ads that appear on many websites you visit.

Near the top right of you chrome screen you will see three vertical dots. When you hover your mouse over it the caption Customize and control Google Chrome appears.

Click the three vertical dots and a menu appears. Select Settings from the mneu.

On the left side of the Settings menu there is an option called Extensions. Click this option.

The Extensions screen shows all the chrome extensions installed. Scan through the list for any suspicious ones and disable or delete them.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Extensions list and you’ll see the option Get more extensions. Click this option and you’ll be taken to the Chrome web store. Type adblock plus and press Enter.

The first three options displayed are Apps. We don’t want them so scroll down and the next section titled Extensions is what we want. Adblock Plus appears first as the screenshot below illustrates:

Adblock Plus

On my screen it shows as already installed but for your screen you would select + Add to Chrome.

Adblock Plus is now installed as an Extension.

Should this answer require further explanation post a comment under it.

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