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Tags: boot   apt   ssd   snap  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Ubuntu 16.04.3 "still" takes 1.5 minutes to boot after successful clone to SSD and with noatime and trim and AHCI boot?
ID: /2017/09/24/Ubuntu-16.04.3-_still_-takes-1.5-minutes-to-boot-after-successful-clone-to-SSD-and-with-noatime-and-trim-and-AHCI-boot_
Created: September 24, 2017
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I went through a similar (although not as drastic) experience.

From the terminal you need to use:

sudo systemctl disable snapd.refresh.service
sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service

If you aren’t using snapd disabling it isn’t a problem. As per my own experience disabling NetworkManager-wait-online-service during boot isn’t a problem.

As far as apt-daily.service goes it’s a known bug. It wasn’t designed to be run during boot but fifteen minutes into your session. There are a couple of different answers to that problem but as I’ve never encountered it cannot say which is better. (I would go with the one with the most upvotes though).

Although SSD boot took my time from 45 seconds to 11 seconds, I’m sorry you bought one thinking it would solve this particular problem. You’ll still enjoy it though because applications will load in a few seconds instead of 15 seconds.

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