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If you can read me, I'm broken!

Views: 1,054     Votes:  3     ✅ Solution
Tags: 16.04   command-line   shortcut-keys   gnome-terminal  
Link: 🔍 See Original Question on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Mistyped ++ split existing terminal window
ID: /2018/02/22/Mistyped-_Ctrl___Alt___T_-split-existing-terminal-window
Created: February 22, 2018    Edited:  March 29, 2018
Upload: July 7, 2024    Layout:  post
TOC: false    Navigation:  false    Copy to clipboard:  false

For years now I’ve been using Ctrl+Alt+T to open a new terminal window. Just now for the first time it took my existing window and created two panes within it:


^^ New terminal session with ~/.bashrc start up commands showing date, time and system information. ie No commands run yet

I must have hit a different key combination as I just tried it again double checking as I pressed Ctrl+Alt+T and a new window as normal.

As I might want to utilize this feature in the future, What key combination did I use?

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