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If you can read me, I'm broken!

Views: 8,403β€…    Votes:  3β€…
Tags: nvidia   17.10   brightness   settings   backlight  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: The brightness of laptop screen cannot be adjusted with either the buttons or the slider. Edit
ID: /2018/03/03/The-brightness-of-laptop-screen-cannot-be-adjusted-with-either-the-buttons-or-the-slider.-Edit
Created: March 3, 2018    Edited:  June 12, 2020
Upload: September 15, 2024    Layout:  post
TOC: false    Navigation:  false    Copy to clipboard:  false

NVIDIA doesn’t work with Wayland

As others have discovered, nVidia doesn’t play well with Wayland: Ubuntu 17.10 on Wayland - (How) can I install the NVIDIA drivers?. The solution is to switch to Xorg. To summarize the answer from cl-net use these steps:

Another problem you will likely encounter is no sound over HDMI to external monitor. To solve this problem see this Q&A: No Audio Over HDMI on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

⇧ Monitor network traffic "during a specific time" in linux Is 18.04 already somewhat safe for installing?  β‡©