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Views: 2,004β€…    Votes:  2β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: 16.04   unity   workspaces   external-monitor   thunderbolt  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Windows move between workspaces when screen turns off
ID: /2018/08/30/Windows-move-between-workspaces-when-screen-turns-off
Created: August 30, 2018
Upload: July 7, 2024    Layout:  post
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There is a four year old bug report on this and the fix is in and it’s been triaged:

Windows change Monitor/Desktop after screen lock

In the short term instead of locking the screen on inactivity (which basically shuts it off with gnome-screensaver I think) you could consider a screen saver with password that kicks in after a period of inactivity. I haven’t tested this myself mind you.

⇧ What is snapcrafters and what does it mean if it is listed as the developer of some apps on Ubuntu Software? Configure screensaver in Ubuntu  β‡©