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Views: 10,961     Votes:  7 
Tags: boot   dual-boot   grub2   15.04  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Grub wait time 10 seconds after editing to "0" in /etc/default/grub?
ID: /2019/11/18/Grub-wait-time-10-seconds-after-editing-to-_0_-in-_etc_default_grub_
Created: November 18, 2019
Upload: July 7, 2024    Layout:  post
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There is an override in grub for when the timeout is 0 seconds to replace it with 10 seconds. Rather than editing grub scripts as other answers recommend you can simply use:


This will work because the grub overrides will not find "0" to be equal to "0.0".

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