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volume change.gif
Notification when TV volume is changed


This page describes how to Control TV’s and power outlets. The process is called “Internet of Things” (IoT). The IoT programs here are designed for Linux and have been tested in Ubuntu. The coding is done in Bash.

At the heart of the system is the tvpowered program which starts after you login. A configuration file is required in your ~/.config/autostart directory to launch it.

Press the power button on your computer and then:

Press the power button on Sony TV remote control and then:

A variety of independent scripts are provided to make life convenient.

The bash script light-tog toggles the wall outlet power behind the main TV (Sony). In this case the power controls a lamp to provide bias lighting which reduces eye strain.

The bash script light-tog2 toggles the wall outlet power behind the second TV (TCL). In this case the power controls a lamp to provide bias lighting which reduces eye strain.

To power off the bias lights behind the TVs, the script /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d/smartplug_off can be run. See below for details on setting up script. Note the same functionality is provided by tvpowered when the system is turned off with the TV remote. There are five additional bash scripts to control a Sony TV screen:

To assist with setting up your “Internet of Things” (IoT) the program ssh-setup is used to document the devices attached to your LAN and/or Wi-Fi router.

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Table of Contents

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‘tvpowered’ Sony Bravia TV Controller

tv remote off.gif
Use TV remote to power off system

The tvpowered bash script is the heart of the IoT (Internet of Things) system provided by Pippim. The script is loaded when you sign on because it is stored in the ~/.config/autostart directory.

tvpowered automatically establishes communication with your Sony TV and displays a desktop notification when successful.

‘tvpowered’ Key Features

There are some unique “bells & whistles”:

volume change.gif
Notification when TV volume is changed

Change Primary TV Volume

When the main TV (Sony) picture is normally turned off, you have no idea what the sound system current volume level is. The tvpowered script will display a notification on whatever monitor you are currently working on when the volume is changed using the TV’s remote control. The notification message includes a progress bar from 0 (TV muted) to 100 (TV maximum volume).

If you are interested in the Bash code to make a progress bar, the relevant code is below:

VolumeBar () {

    Bar=""                      # Progress Bar / Volume level
    Len=25                      # Length of Progress Bar / Volume level
    Div=4                       # Divisor into Volume for # of full blocks
    Fill="▒"                    # Fill background up to $Len
    Parts=8                     # Divisor into  Volume for # of part blocks
    # UTF-8 left blocks: 1, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8
    Arr=("█" "▏" "▎" "▍" "▌" "▋" "▊" "█")

    FullBlock=$((${1} / Div))   # Number of full blocks
    PartBlock=$((${1} % Parts)) # Size of partial block (array index)

    while [[ $FullBlock -gt 0 ]]; do
        Bar="$Bar${Arr[0]}"     # Add 1 full block into Progress Bar
        (( FullBlock-- ))       # Decrement full blocks counter

    # If remainder zero no partial block, else append character from array
    if [[ $PartBlock -gt 0 ]]; then

    while [[ "${#Bar}" -lt "$Len" ]]; do
        Bar="$Bar$Fill"         # Pad Progress Bar with fill character

} # VolumeBar

‘tvpowered’ Bash Script

Below is the Bash script you can copy to your system:


# NAME: tvpowered
# PATH: /usr/bin/ OR ~/bin (/home/USERNAME/bin) OR /mnt/e/bin/
# DESC: When TV is powered off automatically suspend the laptop.
# DATE: June 9, 2020.  Modified January 13, 2024.
# NOTE: Written for Ask Ubuntu question:
#       4-clicks-to-shut-down-ubuntu-can-we-reduce-this

# UPDT: Jun 10 2020: Make name politically correct for Microsoft guidelines.
#       Change name from 'slave2tv' to 'tvpowered'. Abandon approach of polling
#       i2c, drm, i915, nvidia, xrandr, etc to see if monitor turned off. Setup
#       WiFi on TV instead and use Sony REST API to communicate TV status.

#       Jun 11 2020: Add pop-up bubble status messages. Add dependencies.
#       Add TenMinuteSpam. Add WaitUserSignOn. Add $SCTL constant. Convert
#       in-line code to mainline format.

#       Oct 03 2020: If ethernet disconnected we don't want to suspend.
#       Add TenMinuteSpam. Add WaitUserSignOn. Add $SCTL constant. Convert
#       in-line code to mainline format.

#       Oct 18 2020: If WiFi disconnected we don't want to suspend.
#       Dec 23 2020: After resume turn off picture with power savings.
#       Dec 31 2020: Fast popping bubble messages when volume changes.
#       Jan 09 2021: Improve performance and reduce system resources.
#       Jan 31 2021: Switch from /tmp to /run/user/1000 (RAM).
#       Mar 13 2023: New IP address 19 after power outage.
#       Mar 26 2023: Change volume partial UTF-8 ticks from 4 to 8.
#       Mar 28 2023: Change call to `pictureoff`
#       Mar 30 2023: Google TV to sleep (TV Remote Power Off).
#       May 28 2023: Turn on TVs and lights behind TVs on resume.
#       Jun 10 2023: Use nmap to verify TCL/Google TV on-line.
#       Jan 13 2024: Notes on TCL/Google TV debug options.

#       Sep 29 2024: Create TurnGtvOn() and TurnGtvOff()
#       Embed code - No longer requires light-tog and light-tog2 or
#       /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d/smartplug_off
#       Replace nmap with adb connect using timeout

#       Sep 30 2024: If sunlight is 100 % then don't turn on bias lights.
#       Oct 04 2024: If GTV already powered off, don't try again.

# TODO: Plan iotc and iotd (Internet of Things Client/Daemon) in Python that
#       will turn devices on/off in parallel. iotc can communicate with iotd.
#       iotd runs with sudo powers.

# adb will hang if Google TV is off so use ping to see if TV is on:

# $ time sudo ping -c1 -W1
# PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
# 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.696 ms

# --- ping statistics ---
# 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
# rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.696/0.696/0.696/0.000 ms

# real	0m0.007s
# user	0m0.000s
# sys	0m0.006s

# To prevent adb hanging, use linux timeout command:

# $ timeout 0.1 adb connect
# already connected to

# Sources:


SCTL=suspend        # systemctl parameter: 'suspend' or 'poweroff'
STV_IP= # IP address for Sony TV on LAN
GTV_IP= # IP address for Google TV on LAN for Android Debug Bridge
GTV_Online=""       # Google TV is not turned on
PWRD=123            # Password for Sony TV IP Connect (Pre-Shared key)
# TCL / Goggle TV MAC address for wake on lan. No effect if TV already on.
# 2024-09-30 - If problems revoke USB, turn off USB debugging, click build 7 times
# RSA key fingerprint: a7:ad:1f:82:66:16:15:eb:bc:54:85:56:ce:ad:d4:2b
# ~/.android/ - holds a lot more complicated key 700+ characters

# Nighttime bias lights
SLI_IP=""  # Sony TV bias light
GLI_IP=""  # TCL/Google TV bias light
SunlightPercent=""     # Percentage of sunlight, requires eyesome brightness

# Must have curl package.
command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
        "'curl' package required but it is not installed.  Aborting."; \
        exit 2; }

# Must have notify-send from libnotify-bin package
command -v notify-send >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
        "'libnotify-bin' package required but it is not installed.  Aborting."; \
        exit 3; }

# Must have adb (Android Debug Bridge) package
# TODO: Test when needed and skip code if not installed
command -v adb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
        "'adb' package required but it is not installed.  Aborting."; \
        exit 4; }

# Must have nmap package
#command -v nmap >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
#        "'nmap' package required but it is not installed.  Aborting."; \
#        exit 5; }

cURLit () {

    # $1 = JSON String in pretty format converted to file for cURL --data.
    # $2 = Sony subsystem to talk to, eg accessControl, audio, system, etc.
    # 3  = variable name to receive reply from TV

    local TEMP Result ReturnState

    # Declare mathres as reference to argument 3 provided (Bash 4.3 or greater)
    declare -n Result=$3  # ERROR: declare: `': not a valid identifier

    # Create temporary file in RAM for curl command
    TEMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir=/run/user/1000 tvpowered.XXXXXXXX)
    echo "$1" > "$TEMP"

    # -s = silent
    Result=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \
             -H "X-Auth-PSK: $PWRD" \
             --data @"$TEMP" \
    # echo "Result: $Result"    # Remove leading # for debugging
    # TO-DO: check $? and if non-zero pop up dialog with $TEMP contents
    rm "$TEMP"

    # Test string
#curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -H "X-Auth-PSK: 123" --data "{ "method": "getPowerStatus", "id": 50, "params": [], "version": "1.0" }"
} # cURLit

TurnGtvOn() {

    # TODO: WORK IN PROGRESS - Just notes as of 2024-09-29

# 1a) No adb (android debugging bridge) connection implies TV is turned off
#     Takes 10 seconds when no connection
#     adb connect ""
# unable to connect to

# 1b) Run `nmap` to test host up
#     Takes 3 seconds when no connection

#     nmap ""
# Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2024-09-29 09:45 MDT
# Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn
# Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 3.03 seconds

# 2) Wake up google tv

#    wakeonlan c0:79:82:41:2f:1f
# Sending magic packet to with c0:79:82:41:2f:1f

# 3) Connect adb (android debugging bridge)

#    adb connect ""
# already connected to

# 4) Run `nmap` to test host up
#    Takes .11 seconds when there IS a connection

#    nmap ""
# Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2024-09-28 14:07 MDT
# Nmap scan report for TCL.LAN (
# Host is up (0.0065s latency).
# Not shown: 995 closed ports
# 5555/tcp open  freeciv
# 8008/tcp open  http
# 8009/tcp open  ajp13
# 8443/tcp open  https-alt
# 9000/tcp open  cslistener
# Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.11 seconds

# 5) Check if screen is on -
# If TV is turned off command hangs forever

#    adb shell dumpsys power | grep "Display Power" | cut -d'=' -f2
# Display Power: state=ON

# 6) Send signal to turn TV on

#    adb shell input keyevent 26

# >>>> Now Google TV is successfully turn on

# NOTE: adb will hang up when TV is turned off and adb server is still running:

#    adb devices
# List of devices attached
#	device

#    adb shell dumpsys input_method
# ^C

#    adb shell dumpsys activity services
# ^C

#    adb kill-server && adb server

#    adb devices
# List of devices attached

#    adb shell dumpsys activity services
# error: device '(null)' not found

    # Must have adb (Android Debug Bridge) package
    command -v adb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
            "'adb' package required but it is not installed.  Skipping."; \
            return 4; }

    # Must have nmap package
    #command -v nmap >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
    #        "'nmap' package required but it is not installed.  Skipping."; \
    #        return 5; }

} # TurnGtvOn

TurnGtvOff () {

    # Send signal to turn TV on:
    #    adb shell input keyevent 26

    # Must have adb (Android Debug Bridge) package
    command -v adb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
            "'adb' package required but it is not installed.  Skipping."; \
            return 4; }

    local Reply

    # Is it turned on now?
    Reply=$(timeout 1 adb shell dumpsys input_method | grep -i screenon)

    if ! [[ $Reply == *"true"* ]]; then
        echo TCL / Google TV is already OFF. No reply on "$GTV_IP"
        log TCL / Google TV is already OFF. No reply on "$GTV_IP"
        return 0  # Reply = "Terminated"  (Timeout)
    # Reply = "screenOn = true"

    echo adb Power off TCL / Google TV on "$GTV_IP"
    log adb Power off TCL / Google TV on "$GTV_IP"
    adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_SLEEP  # Google TV off (remote power toggle)
    adb disconnect              # Will reconnect on resume

} # TurnGtvOff

TurnSonyOn () {

    local Reply ReturnState

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                 "method": "setPowerStatus",
                 "id": 55,
                 "params": [{"status": true}],
                 "version": "1.0"

    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system" Reply    # No $ for Reply variable! pass pointer
    ReturnState="$?"                    # Usually '6', not checked.

    #echo "ReturnState: $ReturnState Reply: $Reply"    # Remove # for debugging
    # Reply: { "result": [], "id": 55 }
    echo ReturnState from TurnSonyOn function: "$ReturnState"
} # TurnSonyOn

TurnSonyOff () {

    local Reply ReturnState

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                 "method": "setPowerStatus",
                 "id": 55,
                 "params": [{"status": false}],
                 "version": "1.0"

    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system" Reply    # No $ for Reply variable! pass pointer
    ReturnState="$?"                    # Usually '6', not checked.

    #echo "ReturnState: $ReturnState Reply: $Reply"    # Remove # for debugging
    # Reply: { "result": [], "id": 55 }
    echo ReturnState from TurnSonyOn function: "$ReturnState"
} # TurnSonyOff

ForceLight() {
    # $1 plugname
    # $2 "ON" or "OFF"
    # NOTE: must be installed for hs100 tp-link power plug.

    # Must have
    command -v >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
            "'' required but it is not installed.  Skipping."; \
            return 6; }

    PlugName="$1"  # Sony TV bias light or Google TV bias light
    Force="$2"  # "ON" or "OFF"
    TvName="$3"  # "Sony TV" or "Google TV"
    echo Set "$TvName" Bias Light "$PlugName" to "$Force".
    log Set "$TvName" Bias Light "$PlugName" to "$Force".

    status=$( -i "$PlugName" check | cut -f2)
    if [ -z "$status" ]; then
        echo "Error: ' -i $PlugName check' returned null for $TvName."
        log "Error 'check' returned null for IP $PlugName."
        return 7

    if [ $status == "$Force" ] ; then
        echo "$TvName" Bias Light "$PlugName" status is already "$status".
        log "$TvName" Bias Light "$PlugName" status is already "$status".
        return 0  # Nothing to do already correct state

    if [ $status == "OFF" ] ; then -i "$PlugName" on
    elif [ $status == "ON" ] ; then -i "$PlugName" off
        echo Error not responding check connection and IP "$PlugName".
        log Error not responding check connection and IP "$PlugName".

} # ForceLight

GetSunlightPercent () {
    # Return 0 if power on, 1 if power off
    local Reply
    Reply=$(cat /usr/local/bin/.eyesome-percent 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1)
    if [ -z "$Reply" ] ; then
        return 1  # Reply = <null> string
    elif [[ $Reply == *"cat"* ]]; then
        return 1  # Reply = "cat: /usr/local/bin/.eyesome-percen: No such..."
        return 0  # Reply = "0 %" or "50 %" or "100 %", etc.
} # GetSunlightPercent

TurnLightsOn() {
    # TODO: If sunlight == 100% return (( Cnt
    if [[ -z "$SunlightPercent" ]] || (( $SunlightPercent < 100 )); then
        ForceLight "$SLI_IP" ON "Sony TV"
        ForceLight "$GLI_IP" ON "TCL / Google TV"
} # TurnLightsOn

TurnLightsOff() {
    ForceLight "$SLI_IP" OFF "Sony TV"
    ForceLight "$GLI_IP" OFF "TCL / Google TV"
} # TurnLightsOff

GtvPoweron() {
    if command -v adb >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
        echo "timeout 0.1 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP &"
        log "timeout 0.1 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP &"
        timeout 0.1 adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP &

GtvConnect () {
    # Return 0 if able to connecct, 1 if unable to connect
    # Set GTV_Online "" if unable to connect, else connection message
    local Reply Cnt

    if command -v adb >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
        echo "GtvConnect(): try connecting to $GTV_IP"
        log  "GtvConnect(): try connecting to $GTV_IP"
        GTV_Online="adb command not found"
        echo "GtvConnect(): $GTV_Online"
        log "GtvConnect(): $GTV_Online"
        return 0  # Must return true to exit forever loop

    # TWO attempts required because:
    # Sending magic packet to with c0:79:82:41:2f:1f
    # GTV_Online status: connected to
    # Connecting to ADB (Android Debugging Bridge) on:
    # error: device offline

    for ((i = 0 ; i <= 1 ; i++ )) ; do
        Reply=$(timeout 0.1 adb connect "$GTV_IP")
        if [ -z "$Reply" ] ; then
            return 1  # Reply = <null> string
        elif [[ $Reply == *"unable"* ]] || [[ $Reply == *"error"* ]] ; then
            return 1  # Reply = "unable to connect..." / "error: device offline"
        elif (( i == 0 )) ; then
            echo "GtvConnect() sleeping at i: $i Reply: $Reply"
            # Assume success and poweron ASAP, worse case is second wakeup
            sleep 0.5  # If not connected due to lag sleep before trying again
            echo "GtvConnect() success  at i: $i Reply: $Reply"
            return 0  # Reply = "connected to"
} # GtvConnect

SonyPowerStatus () {
    # Return 0 if power on, 1 if power off

    local Reply ReturnState

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "getPowerStatus",
                "id": 50,
                "params": [],
                "version": "1.0"

    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system" Reply    # No $ for Reply variable! pass pointer
    ReturnState="$?"                    # Usually '6', not checked.

    #echo "ReturnState: $ReturnState Reply: $Reply"    # Remove # for debugging
    # Reply: {"result":[{"status":"active"}],"id":50}
    #    or: {"result":[{"status":"standby"}],"id":50}

    # Does 'active' substring exist in TV's reply?
    [[ "${Reply#*active}" != "$Reply" ]] && return 0

    # TV is turned off (standby) or no network (blank)
    return 1
} # SonyPowerStatus

GetVolume () {

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "getVolumeInformation",
                "id": 33,
                "params": [],
                "version": "1.0"
    # Then pass string to cURL for execution
    cURLit "$JSONstr" "audio" Reply

    # Sample output:
    #   Volume:, {"result":[[{"target":"speaker","volume":44,"mute":false,
    #   "maxVolume":100,"minVolume":0},{"target":"headphone","volume":15,
    #   "mute":false,"maxVolume":100,"minVolume":0}]],"id":33}


    return $Volume

} # GetVolume

Bar=""                          # Global Volume Level bar

VolumeBar () {

    Bar=""                      # Progress Bar / Volume level
    Len=25                      # Length of Progress Bar / Volume level
    Div=4                       # Divisor into Volume for # of full blocks
    Fill="▒"                    # Fill background up to $Len
    Parts=8                     # Divisor into  Volume for # of part blocks
    # UTF-8 left blocks: 1, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8
    Arr=("█" "▏" "▎" "▍" "▌" "▋" "▊" "█")

    FullBlock=$((${1} / Div))   # Number of full blocks
    PartBlock=$((${1} % Parts)) # Size of partial block (array index)

    while [[ $FullBlock -gt 0 ]]; do
        Bar="$Bar${Arr[0]}"     # Add 1 full block into Progress Bar
        (( FullBlock-- ))       # Decrement full blocks counter

    # If remainder zero no partial block, else append character from array
    if [[ $PartBlock -gt 0 ]]; then

    while [[ "${#Bar}" -lt "$Len" ]]; do
        Bar="$Bar$Fill"         # Pad Progress Bar with fill character

} # VolumeBar

log () {
    logger --id=$$ -t "tvpowered" "$1"
} # log

WaitForSignOn () {

    # tvpowered might be loaded during boot. The user name is required
    # for sending popup bubble messages and dialogs to screen. We must
    # wait until user signs on to get .Xauthority file settings.

    # code lifted from
    SpamOn=10       # Causes 10 iterations of 2 second sleep

    # Wait for user to sign on then get Xserver access for xrandr calls
    while [[ $UserName == "" ]]; do

        # Find UserName currently logged in.
        UserName="$(who -u | grep -F '(:0)' | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')"
        [[ $UserName != "" ]] && break

        sleep "$SpamLength"
        TotalWait=$(( TotalWait + SpamLength ))

    if [[ $TotalWait != "0" ]] ; then
        log "Waited $TotalWait seconds for $UserName to login."
        xhost local:root
        export XAUTHORITY="/home/$UserName/.Xauthority"

} # WaitForSignOn


TenMinuteSpam () {

    # If TV not powered up Spam user for 10 minutes that 'tvpowered' is running
    # and will shut down / suspend system

    WaitForSignOn   # Might be called by root during boot before user signed on.

    while : ; do

        if SonyPowerStatus ; then
            log "TV is powered on. 'tvpowered' is now waiting for TV to power off."
            echo Waking up Sony TV - attempt number: "$Cnt"

            # Spam user every 60 seconds
            (( $(( Cnt % 60 )) == 0 )) && \
                notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
                    -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:startup \
                    --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/display.png \
                    "TV not communicating.\n Checking TV again..."
        sleep 1  # 2024-09-29 - shorten sleep from 3 to 1 second
        (( Cnt++ ))
    #GTV_Online=$(nmap "$GTV_IP" | grep 'host up')
    # If GTV was powered off when system went to sleep adb server still running
    if command -v adb >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
        adb kill-server
        adb start-server
        GtvConnect  # Set GTV_Online
        echo 'GTV_Online for Ten Minute Span Start:' "$GTV_Online"
    VolumeBar $LastVolume
    notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
        --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/display.png \
        "Fully activated.\n System will $SCTL when TV powered off. Volume: $LastVolume $Bar"

    # 2024-09-29 - Deprecate light-tog and light-tog2
    #if command -v light-tog >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    #    echo Turning on Sony TV Bias Light
    #    light-tog                   # Turn on bias light behind TV 1
    #if command -v light-tog2 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    #    echo Turning on TCL TV Bias Light
    #    light-tog2                  # Turn on bias light behind TV 2
    TurnLightsOn  # Turn on Sony and Google TV's bias lights if < 100% sunlight

    if command -v wakeonlan >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
        while [[ "$GTV_Online" == "" ]]; do
            echo Waking up TCL/Google TV - attempt number: "$Cnt"
            wakeonlan "$GTV_MAC"        # Turn on google TV
            #GTV_Online=$(nmap "$GTV_IP" | grep 'host up')
            # nmap run time takes 3 seconds fail and .1 second to succeed
            sleep 1
            GtvConnect  # Takes .1 second using timeout adb connect
            (( Cnt++ ))
            if (( $Cnt >= 60 )); then
                echo "Attempted to wakeup TCL/Google TV for 1 minute. Skipping"
                log "Attempted to wakeup TCL/Google TV for 1 minute. Skipping"
        echo GTV_Online status: "$GTV_Online"
        log GTV_Online status: "$GTV_Online"
        # Reset GTV developer options switched ON:
        # 0. Remove existing authorized adb keys on device
        # 1. Enable developer options (click settings/build version - 7 times)
        # 2. USB Debugging
        # 3. Verify apps over USB
        # 4. Mobile data always active
        # 5. Select USB Configuration = "Charging"
        # 6. Turn off WiFi and only use ethernet if necessary for wakeonlan
        # GTV Network & Internet options switched ON:
        # 1. Network Standby

    return 0

} # TenMinuteSpam

#            MAINLINE             #

Main () {

    echo "$0: tvpowered Initialization. Ensuring TV is powered on before starting."
    echo "$0: Fully activated. Waiting for TV to power off and then will $SCTL."
    echo "$0: LastVolume: $LastVolume"

    VolumeCnt=0             # TV Remote changed volume, so shorter sleep

    while : ; do

        if ! SonyPowerStatus; then

            # START FROM ABOVE: 
            # This was causing 2% CPU drain with Network Manager and
            # debus-daemon. So move from above SonyPowerStatus to below.

            # If network down then wait for it to come up. 
            #etherup=$(cat /sys/class/net/e*/carrier) # Returns 1 even disconnected
            #wifi_up=$(cat /sys/class/net/w*/carrier)
            #if [[ $etherup <> "1" && $wifi_up <> "1" ]] ; then
            state=$(nmcli -f STATE -t g)            # Network manager takes .5 CPU
            if [[ $state == disconnected ]] ; then
                # Spam user every 60 * Cot seconds
                notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
                    -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:startup \
                    --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/display.png \
                    "Internet not up.\nChecking Ethernet and/or  WiFi state again..."
                sleep $((Cnt * 60))
                (( Cnt++ ))
                Cnt=0                               # Reset timer for next loop

            # END FROM ABOVE: If network down then wait for it to come up

            state=$(nmcli -f STATE -t g)        # Network manager takes .5 CPU
            if [[ $state == disconnected ]] ; then
                echo "Unexpected Network disconnect, aborting suspend."
                log "TV Powered off. 'systemctl $SCTL' being called."
                # /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d/smartplug_off

                TurnLightsOff  # Trun off Sony and Google TVs' bias lights

                TurnGtvOff  # Turn off TCL / Google TV if it is powered on

                #echo "Turning off Sony TV just in case abnormal suspend."

                echo /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d/smartplug_off
                systemctl "$SCTL"               # Turn computer off or sleep
                sleep 2  # Without sleep, TenMinuteSpam starts during suspend

                # systemctl will suspend. When resuming we hit next line
                log "System powered back up. Checking if TV powered on. '$0'."
                echo "System powered back up. Checking if TV powered on. '$0'."
                TenMinuteSpam                   # Wait for network connection

                # May 28, 2023 only turn picture off during work hours
                # pictureoff                    # Picture off energy saving

        # echo CurrVolume: $CurrVolume LastVolume: $LastVolume

        if [[ "$CurrVolume" != "$LastVolume" ]] ; then
            # Make volume bar using progress bar methods
            VolumeBar $CurrVolume
            # Ask Ubuntu:
            notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
                -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:volume \
                --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/audio-speakers.png \
                "Volume: $CurrVolume $Bar"
            VolumeCnt=100  # For 1 second, faster checks for volume change
            # TODO: Process VolumeCnt internally in loop instead of larger loop

        if [[ $VolumeCnt > 0 ]]; then
            (( VolumeCnt-- ))

        sleep $SleepTime

        # Next iteration

    exit 0

} # Main

Main "$@"

Configuring Bash Script

There are five lines near the top of the script you need to configure for your system:

SCTL=suspend        # systemctl parameter: 'suspend' or 'poweroff'
STV_IP= # IP address for Sony TV on LAN
GTV_IP= # IP address for Google TV on LAN for Android Debug Bridge
GTV_Online=""       # Google TV is not turned on
PWRD=123            # Password for Sony TV IP Connect (Pre-Shared key)
# TCL / Goggle TV MAC address for wake on lan. No effect if TV already on.
# 2024-09-30 - If problems revoke USB, turn off USB debugging, click build 7 times
# RSA key fingerprint: a7:ad:1f:82:66:16:15:eb:bc:54:85:56:ce:ad:d4:2b
# ~/.android/ - holds a lot more complicated key 700+ characters

# Nighttime bias lights
SLI_IP=""  # Sony TV bias light
GLI_IP=""  # TCL/Google TV bias light

Automatically Start Bash Script

In your ~/.config/autostart directory create the file tvpowered.desktop. The file needs to contain:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_CA]=Powering off Sony TV suspends system
Comment=Powering off Sony TV suspends system

‘tvpowered’ prerequisites

This program only works with Sony Bravia TVs. The Sony REST API is required. For more details visit Sony Bravia IP Control 🔗

A LAN (ethernet) or Wi-Fi connection is required for both your Sony TV and your computer. A LAN connection is required for your TCL/Google TV.

Linux is required and preferably the Ubuntu distribution. The following programs are required:

Top ToS ToC Skip

‘smartplug_off’ Smart Plugs Turn Off Lights

Smart Plug Control

The smartplug_off bash script functionality is duplicated in tvpoweredwhen the computer system is shutdown or suspended.

The script needs to be created with sudo powers in the /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d/ directory.

‘smartplug_off’ Key Features

Called by Network Manager when the network is going down. The Network is always brought down when computer system is shutting down or being suspended. This makes the Network Manager a convenient way to shut off power to wall outlet smart plugs behind the TV that control the nighttime bias lighting.

‘smartplug_off’ Bash Script

Below is the Bash script that needs to placed in the /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d/ directory:


# NAME: smartplug_off
# PATH: /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down.d
# DESC: Turn off Smart Plug controlled lights behind TVs.
# DATE: March 7, 2020.  Modified: March 28, 2023.

# CALL: Called by Network Manager before going down. Network manager in turn
#       is called by systemd during suspend/hibernate/shutdown

# NOTE: must be installed for hs100 TP-Link power plug.

PlugName=""  # Sony TV bias light

status=$( -i "$PlugName" check | cut -f2)
if [ $status == "OFF" ] ; then
    : # Nothing to do already off
elif [ $status == "ON" ] ; then -i "$PlugName" off
    echo Error not responding check connection and IP "$PlugName".

PlugName=""  # Google TV bias light

status=$( -i "$PlugName" check | cut -f2)
if [ $status == "OFF" ] ; then
    : # Nothing to do already off
elif [ $status == "ON" ] ; then -i "$PlugName" off
    echo Error not responding check connection and IP "$PlugName".

Configuring Bash Script

There are two lines you need to configure to your system:

PlugName=""  # Sony TV bias light
PlugName=""  # Google TV bias light

The first ‘PlugName’ is 1/3rd of the way in the file. The second ‘PlugName’ is 2/3rds of the way in the file.

‘smarplug_off’ Prerequisites

/usr/bin/ must be installed to control Smart Plugs. See TP-Link Wi-Fi Smart Plug HS100 🔗 for more information.

Top ToS ToC Skip

‘sound’ Switch System Sound Output to HDMI

volume change.gif
Notification when TV volume is changed

The ‘sound’ bash script is called whenever the computer system resumes from suspend / wakes from sleep.

The script needs to be created with sudo powers in the /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ directory.

‘sound’ Key Features

A bug in Pulse Audio 8 sets the output sound device to Laptop when system goes to sleep. The system sound device doesn’t default to HDMI when the system wakes up / resumes from suspend.

To solve this problem the Pulse Audio settings are modified.

‘sound’ Bash Script

Below is the Bash script you can copy to your system:


# NAME: sound
# PATH: /lib/systemd/system-sleep
# CALL: Called from SystemD automatically

# DESC: PulseAudo 8 sets sound to laptop when going to sleep.
#       This script sets sound back to TV.

# DATE: Sep 23 2016. Modified: Dec 19 2020.

# NOTE: Test psmouse for "Touchpad not working after suspending laptop"

# UPDT: Dec 19 2020 - Comment out sleep commands to speedup suspend/resume.

# Aug 5, 2018  -    Turn off executition bit. As per AU turn off automatic switching:
#                   Turn execution bit back on as there is no sound at all.
case $1/$2 in
    echo "$0: Going to $2..."
    # Place your pre suspend commands here, or `exit 0` if no pre suspend action required
    #    modprobe -r psmouse
    # sleep 1                       # Dec 19 2020 - Sleep slows down suspend.
    echo "$0: Waking up from $2..."
    # Place your post suspend (resume) commands here, or `exit 0` if no post suspend action required
    # sleep 2                       # Dec 19 2020 - Sleep slows down resume.
    # modprobe psmouse
    export PULSE_RUNTIME_PATH="/run/user/1000/pulse/"
    sudo -u rick -E pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:hdmi-stereo

Configuring Bash Script

There are two lines (near the bottom of the file) that you need to configure to your system:

export PULSE_RUNTIME_PATH="/run/user/1000/pulse/"
sudo -u rick -E pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:hdmi-stereo

The first line shows your User Number which is usually “1000”. The User Number is assigned when you sign on. If 1000 is not your user number, then change it appropriately.

On the second line, replace rick with your Username.

‘sound’ Prerequisites

It is assumed you are running Pulse Audio in Linux.

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Primary TV (Sony) and Second TV (TCL) Setup

Here is what the system setup looks like:

Multiple Monitors Manager.png
mmm Overview of Monitors

There are two lamps. One behind the Sony TV and one behind the TCL TV. Each lamp is controlled by a Kasa TP-Link Smart Plug. The lamps serve as “bias lights” to reduce eyestrain at night.

The Sony TV has a sound system with subwoofer that is used all the time. The Sony TV picture is only used occasionally for viewing movies and YouTube. On the Sony TV you can see that YouTube is currently running.

For your computer to communicate with the Sony TV the REST API needs to be configured. tvpowered uses the following Sony Bravia TV REST API functions:

The TCL Google TV is 4K which allows four screen sizes of full HD. Consequently this TV is where most of the work is done. You can comfortably have 10 windows open on a 4K screen. This is also a good monitor for stashing all your Desktop Icons for Shortcuts. The program iconic is used to move desktop icons to the middle monitor.

To communicate with the Google TV you need to enable Android Developer mode. See How to Set Up and Use ADB on Android TV 🔗. On March 30, 2023 work has begun to automatically power off the TCL Google (Secondary) TV when the Sony (Primary) TV remote is powered off. Use:

The Alienware 17” laptop screen is where the file manager, web browser and music player playlist windows reside.

Top ToS ToC Skip

‘light-tog’ Toggle Light Behind Primary (Sony) TV

Toggle Desktop Shortcuts.png
Sample Desktop Icons

The light-tog bash script is used whenever you want to toggle the light behind your TV off or on. Generally during the day the light is turned off and during night the light is turned on.

‘light-tog’ Key Features

A light behind your TV is hard to reach. The ‘light-tog’ script makes it easy to turn the light off and on.

‘light-tog’ Desktop Shortcut

Instead of typing ‘light-tog’ in the command line, it is convenient to have a Desktop Shortcut you can click.

In your ~/Desktop/ directory, create the file light-tog.desktop containing:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Toggle Sony TV Light
GenericName=Toggle Sony TV Light
Comment=Toggle Sony TV Light

‘light-tog’ Bash Script

Below is the Bash script you can copy to your system:


# NAME: light-tog
# PATH: /usr/bin/ OR ~/bin (/home/USERNAME/bin) OR /mnt/e/bin/
# DESC: Flip light power for TV light
# DATE: January 20, 2020.  Modified: March 28, 2023.

# CALL: light-tog

# NOTE: must be installed for hs100 TP-Link power plug.

PlugName=""  # hs100 Wi-Fi smart plug behind Sony TV.

status=$( -i "$PlugName" check | cut -f2)
if [ $status == "OFF" ] ; then -i "$PlugName" on
elif [ $status == "ON" ] ; then -i "$PlugName" off
    echo Error not responding. Check Sony TV smartplug and IP "$PlugName".

Configuring Bash Script

There is one line you need to configure to your system:

PlugName=""  # hs100 Wi-Fi smart plug behind Sony TV.

Change the IP address to what your network assigned it. See the ssh-setup script output. For example:

==========  nmap -sn 192.168.0/24  ============================================

hitronhub.home ( (0.0012s latency). MAC: A8:4E:3F:82:98:B2 (Unknown)
SONY.light ( (0.010s latency). MAC: 50:D4:F7:EB:41:35 (Unknown)
TCL.LAN ( (-0.100s latency). MAC: C0:79:82:41:2F:1F (Unknown)
SONY.LAN ( (-0.100s latency). MAC: AC:9B:0A:DF:3F:D9 (Sony)
TCL.light ( (0.010s latency). MAC: 50:D4:F7:EB:46:7C (Unknown)
Router.Login ( (-0.087s latency). MAC: 00:05:CA:00:00:09 (Hitron Technology)

‘light-tog’ Prerequisites

/usr/bin/ must be installed to control Smart Plugs. See TP-Link Wi-Fi Smart Plug HS100 🔗 for more information.

Top ToS ToC Skip

‘light-tog2’ Toggle Light Behind Second TV

Light Off On.gif
Smart Plug Controls Light

The ‘light-tog2’ bash script is called whenever you want to toggle the light behind your second TV off or on. Generally during the day the light is turned off and during night the light is turned on.

‘light-tog2’ Key Features

The light behind your second TV is hard to reach. The ‘light-tog2’ script makes it easy to turn the light off and on.

‘light-tog2’ Desktop Shortcut

Instead of typing light-tog2 in the command line, it is convenient to have a Desktop Shortcut you can click.

In your ~/Desktop/ directory, create the file light-tog2.desktop containing:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Toggle TCL TV Light
GenericName=Toggle TCL TV Light
Comment=Toggle TCL TV Light

‘light-tog2’ Bash Script

Below is the Bash script you can copy to your system:


# NAME: light-tog2
# PATH: /usr/bin/ OR ~/bin (/home/USERNAME/bin) OR /mnt/e/bin/
# DESC: Flip power for Kitchen light behind TCL TV
# DATE: September 4, 2022.  Modified: March 28, 2023.

# CALL: light-tog2

# NOTE: must be installed for hs100 TP-Link power plug.

# UPDT: September 29, 2022. After power outage IP changed from 20 to 19.
#       March 14, 2023. After power outage IP changed from 19 to 20.
#       March 23, 2023. After power outage IP changed from 20 to 17.
#       March 25, 2023. Name change from flipkitchen to fliptv2.
#       March 27, 2023. Name change from fliptv2 to light-tog2.

PlugName=""  # hs103 Wi-Fi smart plug in kitchen behind TCL TV.

status=$( -i "$PlugName" check | cut -f2)
if [ $status == "OFF" ] ; then -i "$PlugName" on
elif [ $status == "ON" ] ; then -i "$PlugName" off
    echo Error not responding. Check TCL TV smartplug and IP "$PlugName".

Configuring Bash Script

There is one line you need to configure to your system:

PlugName=""  # hs103 Wi-Fi smart plug in kitchen behind TCL TV.

Change the IP address to what your network assigned it. See the ssh-setup script output. For example:

==========  nmap -sn 192.168.0/24  ============================================

hitronhub.home ( (0.0012s latency). MAC: A8:4E:3F:82:98:B2 (Unknown)
SONY.light ( (0.010s latency). MAC: 50:D4:F7:EB:41:35 (Unknown)
TCL.LAN ( (-0.100s latency). MAC: C0:79:82:41:2F:1F (Unknown)
SONY.LAN ( (-0.100s latency). MAC: AC:9B:0A:DF:3F:D9 (Sony)
TCL.light ( (0.010s latency). MAC: 50:D4:F7:EB:46:7C (Unknown)
Router.Login ( (-0.087s latency). MAC: 00:05:CA:00:00:09 (Hitron Technology)

‘light-tog2’ Prerequisites

/usr/bin/ must be installed to control Smart Plugs. See TP-Link Wi-Fi Smart Plug HS100 🔗 for more information.

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‘picturetog’ Toggle Sony TV picture Off and On

The picturetog bash script toggles the Sony TV picture (screen) off and on. When the picture is turned off this is known as “Power Savings Mode On”. The reason being that 100 watts of power is saved. The sound system and all other TV functions like volume change still work.

‘picturetog’ Key Features

When your system is turned on or you resume from suspend / wake from sleep the Sony TV (Primary) picture is turned off automatically. The picturetog script is used to turn the Sony TV picture back on so you can watch a movie or whatever.

‘picturetog’ Desktop Shortcut

Instead of typing picturetog in the command line, it is convenient to have a Desktop Shortcut you can click.

In your ~/Desktop/ directory, create the file picturetog.desktop containing:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Toggle Sony TV Picture
GenericName=Toggle Sony TV Picture
Comment=Toggle Sony TV Picture

‘picturetog’ Bash Script

Below is the Bash script you can copy to your system:


# NAME: picturetog
# PATH: /usr/bin/ OR ~/bin (/home/USERNAME/bin)
# DESC: Toggle Sony Bravia TV picture off/on but leave on sound.
# DATE: March 7, 2020. Modified March 28, 2023.

# CALL: Called by command line or Desktop Application Shortcut Icon.

# NOTE: A Sony Bravia TV or Sony Professional Display is required.
#       In Sony documentation (links below) turning the picture off
#       is called "Turning Power Savings Mode On". About 100 watts is saved.

# UPDT: March 23, 2023. Change Sony TV IP address from 16 to 19
#       March 28, 2023. Update documentation.

IP=  # LAN IP address for Sony Bravia TV
PWRD=123         # Sony Bravia TV Password for Communicaations

cURLit () {

    # $1 = JSON String, $2 = Sony subsystem to talk to, eg accessControl,
    #   audio, system
    # Returns $Retn currently must be defined as global variable.

    # Create temporary file in RAM for curl command
    TEMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir json.XXXXXXXX)
    echo "$1" > "$TEMP"

    # -s = silent
    Retn=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \
         -H "X-Auth-PSK: $PWRD" \
         --data @"$TEMP" \

    # TO-DO: check $? and if non-zero pop up dialog with $TEMP contents
    rm "$TEMP"

} # cURLit

GetPowerStatus () {

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "getPowerStatus",
                "id": 50,
                "params": [],
                "version": "1.0"

    # TO-DO: Make Retn passed parm instead of global var
    # Then pass string to cURL for execution
    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system"

    # Retn: {"result":[{"status":"active"}],"id":50}
    #   or: {"result":[{"status":"standby"}],"id":50}
    [[ "${Retn#*active}" != "$Retn" ]] && return 0

    # TV is turned off
    # Might want timer tests to make sure we aren't repeatedly turning off
    return 1

} # GetPowerStatus

GetPowerSavingMode () {

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "getPowerSavingMode",
                "id": 51,
                "params": [],
                "version": "1.0"

    # TO-DO: Make Retn passed parm instead of global var
    # Then pass string to cURL for execution
    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system"

    # "off" - Power saving mode is disabled.
    # "low" - Power saving mode is enabled at a low level.
    # "high" - Power saving mode is enabled at a high level.
    # "pictureOff" - Power saving mode is enabled with the panel output off.

    echo $Retn
    return 0

} # GetPowerSavingMode

SetPowerSavingMode () {

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "setPowerSavingMode",
                "id": 52,
                "params": [{"mode": "'"${1}"'"}],
                "version": "1.0"

    # TO-DO: Make Retn passed parm instead of global var
    # Then pass string to cURL for execution
    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system"

    # "off" - Power saving mode is disabled.
    # "low" - Power saving mode is enabled at a low level.
    # "high" - Power saving mode is enabled at a high level.
    # "pictureOff" - Power saving mode is enabled with the panel output off.

    echo $Retn
    return 0

} # SetPowerSavingMode

#            MAINLINE             #

# Get current Power Saving Setting and toggle it.

if GetPowerStatus ; then
    # Try to strip out word "off" in current power saving status
    if [[ "${Retn#*off}" != "$Retn" ]] ; then
        # Current power saving mode is "off"
        SetPowerSavingMode "pictureOff"
        # Current power saving mode is "pictureOff"
        SetPowerSavingMode "off"


Configuring Bash Script

There is one line you need to configure to your system:

IP=  # LAN for Sony

Change the IP address to what your network assigned it. See the ssh-setup script output. For example:

==========  nmap -sn 192.168.0/24  ============================================

hitronhub.home ( (0.0012s latency). MAC: A8:4E:3F:82:98:B2 (Unknown)
SONY.light ( (0.010s latency). MAC: 50:D4:F7:EB:41:35 (Unknown)
TCL.LAN ( (-0.100s latency). MAC: C0:79:82:41:2F:1F (Unknown)
SONY.LAN ( (-0.100s latency). MAC: AC:9B:0A:DF:3F:D9 (Sony)
TCL.light ( (0.010s latency). MAC: 50:D4:F7:EB:46:7C (Unknown)
Router.Login ( (-0.087s latency). MAC: 00:05:CA:00:00:09 (Hitron Technology)

‘picturetog’ Prerequisites

A Sony Bravia TV or Professional Display is required. The Linux package curl must also be installed.

Top ToS ToC Skip

‘pictureoff’ Turn Off Sony TV Picture

tv remote off.gif
Turn Sony Bravia TV Picture Off

The pictureoff bash script is called when the computer is turned on, rebooted or resumes from suspend (wakes from sleep).

‘pictureoff’ Bash Script

Below is the Bash script you can copy to your system:


# NAME: pictureoff
# PATH: /usr/bin/ OR ~/bin (/home/USERNAME/bin) OR /mnt/e/bin/
# DESC: Toggle Sony Bravia TV picture off/on but leave on sound.
# DATE: March 7, 2020. Modified March 28, 2023.

# CALL: Called by command line or .../bin/tvpowered

# NOTE: A Sony Bravia TV or Sony Professional Display is required.
#       In Sony documentation (links below) turning the picture off
#       is called "Turning Power Savings Mode On". About 100 watts is saved.

# UPDT: March 23, 2023. Change Sony TV IP address from 16 to 19
#       March 28, 2023. Update documentation.

IP=  # LAN IP address for Sony Bravia TV
PWRD=123         # Sony Bravia TV Password for Communications

cURLit () {

    # $1 = JSON String, $2 = Sony subsystem to talk to, eg accessControl,
    #   audio, system
    # Returns $Retn currently must be defined as global variable.

    # Create temporary file in RAM for curl command
    TEMP=$(mktemp --tmpdir json.XXXXXXXX)
    echo "$1" > "$TEMP"

    # -s = silent
    Retn=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \
         -H "X-Auth-PSK: $PWRD" \
         --data @"$TEMP" \

    # TO-DO: check $? and if non-zero pop up dialog with $TEMP contents
    rm "$TEMP"

} # cURLit

GetPowerStatus () {

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "getPowerStatus",
                "id": 50,
                "params": [],
                "version": "1.0"

    # TO-DO: Make Retn passed parm instead of global var
    # Then pass string to cURL for execution
    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system"

    # Retn: {"result":[{"status":"active"}],"id":50}
    #   or: {"result":[{"status":"standby"}],"id":50}
    [[ "${Retn#*active}" != "$Retn" ]] && return 0

    # TV is turned off
    # Might want timer tests to make sure we aren't repeatedly turning off
    return 1

} # GetPowerStatus

GetPowerSavingMode () {

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "getPowerSavingMode",
                "id": 51,
                "params": [],
                "version": "1.0"

    # TO-DO: Make Retn passed parm instead of global var
    # Then pass string to cURL for execution
    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system"

    # "off" - Power saving mode is disabled.
    # "low" - Power saving mode is enabled at a low level.
    # "high" - Power saving mode is enabled at a high level.
    # "pictureOff" - Power saving mode is enabled with the panel output off.

    echo $Retn
    return 0

} # GetPowerSavingMode

SetPowerSavingMode () {

    # Copy and paste JSON strings from Sony website: 
                "method": "setPowerSavingMode",
                "id": 52,
                "params": [{"mode": "'"${1}"'"}],
                "version": "1.0"

    # TO-DO: Make Retn passed parm instead of global var
    # Then pass string to cURL for execution
    cURLit "$JSONstr" "system"

    # "off" - Power saving mode is disabled.
    # "low" - Power saving mode is enabled at a low level.
    # "high" - Power saving mode is enabled at a high level.
    # "pictureOff" - Power saving mode is enabled with the panel output off.

    echo $Retn
    return 0

} # SetPowerSavingMode

#            MAINLINE             #

# Get current Power Saving Setting and turn off picture.

if GetPowerStatus ; then
    SetPowerSavingMode "pictureOff"

Configuring Bash Script

There is one line you need to configure to your system:

IP=  # LAN IP address for Sony Bravia TV

Change the IP address to what your network assigned it. See the ssh-setup script output. For example:

==========  nmap -sn 192.168.0/24  ============================================

hitronhub.home ( (0.0012s latency). MAC: A8:4E:3F:82:98:B2 (Unknown)
SONY.light ( (0.010s latency). MAC: 50:D4:F7:EB:41:35 (Unknown)
TCL.LAN ( (-0.100s latency). MAC: C0:79:82:41:2F:1F (Unknown)
SONY.LAN ( (-0.100s latency). MAC: AC:9B:0A:DF:3F:D9 (Sony)
TCL.light ( (0.010s latency). MAC: 50:D4:F7:EB:46:7C (Unknown)
Router.Login ( (-0.087s latency). MAC: 00:05:CA:00:00:09 (Hitron Technology)

‘pictureoff’ Prerequisites

A Sony Bravia TV or Professional Display is required. The Linux package curl must also be installed.

On your Sony TV go to “Settings”, “Network”, and then go to:

Do not try to reconfigure your Sony TV while tvpowered script is already running. Your desktop manager may not see the Sony TV as powered up and will rearrange windows.

Top ToS ToC Skip

TP-Link Wi-Fi Smart Plug ‘’ Script

CNET Setup Smart Plug.jpg
How to setup TP-Link / Kasa Smart Plug

The CNET Tutorial 🔗 will help you physically install your Smart Plug and connect it to your network.

The bash script /usr/bin/ must be installed to control Smart Plugs. See TP-Link Wi-Fi Smart Plug HS100 🔗 for more information.

The Bash Script is listed below but you must visit GitHub Page to get instructions.

‘’ Bash Script


set -o errexit

(( "$DEBUG" )) && set -o xtrace

here=$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE[0]); echo $PWD)

#  Switch the TP-LINK HS100 wlan smart plug on and off, query for status
#  Tested with firmware 1.0.8
#  Credits to Thomas Baust for the query/status/emeter commands
#  Author George Georgovassilis,

# encoded (the reverse of decode) commands to send to the plug

# encoded {"system":{"set_relay_state":{"state":1}}}

# encoded {"system":{"set_relay_state":{"state":0}}}

# encoded { "system":{ "get_sysinfo":null } }

# the encoded request { "emeter":{ "get_realtime":null } }

# BSD base64 decode on osx has different options
# BSD od (octal dump) on osx has different options
# BSD netcat on osx has different options
#NCOPTS+='-v' # verbose
case $OSTYPE in
      ODOPTS="-j $od_offset -A n -t u1"
      NCOPTS+=" -G $nc_timeout"
      ODOPTS="--skip-bytes=$od_offset --address-radix=n -t u1 --width=9999"
      NCOPTS+=" -w $nc_timeout"

# tools

   echo >&2 "$@"
   exit 2

   $@ >/dev/null 2>&1

    # if you've contacted an IP recently, the arp cache has juicy info
    local ip=$1
    mac=$(arp -a \
            | grep "($ip)" \
            | egrep -o '(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})' )
    [ -z "$mac" ] && { echo 2>&1 "arp didn't find a MAC for $ip!"; return 1; }
    echo $mac

    # given a prefix and a MAC for a host, construct a unique name for the host
    local prefix=$1;    [ -n $prefix ] || return 1
    local mac=$2;       [ -n $mac ] || return 1

    # use the first 7 characters of the shasum as unique ID
    hash=$(echo $mac | shasum)
    echo $hs100host

    printf "${ip}\t${host}\n" >> /etc/hosts
    echo plug $host has ip $ip

    cat /etc/hosts | grep hs100 | awk '{ print $2 }'

    dep=$1; shift
    quiet command -v "$dep" || error "$message"

check_dependencies() {
    check_dependency nc \
       "The nc programme for sending data over the network isn't" \
       "in the path, communication with the plug will fail"
    check_dependency base64 \
       "The base64 programme for decoding base64 encoded strings isn't" \
       "info the path, decoding of payloads will fail"
    check_dependency od \
        "The od programme for converting binary data to numbers isn't" \
        "in the path, the status and emeter commands will fail"
    check_dependency nmap \
        "The nmap programme for mapping networks isn't"\
        "in the path, the discover command will fail"
    check_dependency shasum \
        "The shasum programme for hashing strings isn't"\
        "in the path, the sudo discover command will fail"
    check_dependency arp \
        "The arp programme to access Address Resolution Protocol cache isn't"\
        "in the path, the sudo discover command will fail"

usage() {
   echo "Usage: $0 [-i IP] [-p PORT] COMMAND"
   echo "where COMMAND is one of: ${commands[@]}"
   exit 1

check_arg() {
   if [ -z "$value" ]; then
      echo "missing argument $name"

# Check for a single string in a list of space-separated strings.
# e.g. has "foo" "foo bar baz" is true, but has "f" "foo bar baz" is not.
# from
{ [[ " ${*:2} " == *" $1 "* ]]; }

{ has "$1" "$commands"; }

send_to_plug() {
   if ! echo -n "$payload" | base64 ${BASE64DEC} | nc $NCOPTS $ip $port
      echo couldn''t connect to $ip:$port, nc failed with exit code $?

   input_num=`od $ODOPTS`
   IFS=' ' read -r -a array <<< "$input_num"
   for element in "${array[@]}"
      output=$(( $element ^ $code ))
      args_for_printf="$args_for_printf\x$(printf %x $output)"
   printf "$args_for_printf"

    # read from stdin
    if quiet command -v python
         python -m json.tool

   check_dependency od \
       "The od programme for converting binary data to numbers isn't" \
       "in the path, the status and emeter commands will fail"
   check_arg "ip" $plugs
   check_arg "port" $port
   for ip in ${plugs[@]}
        send_to_plug $ip $port "$payload" | decode | pretty_json

# plug commands
    check_arg "port" $port
    check_dependency nmap \
        "The nmap programme for mapping networks isn't"\
        "in the path, the discover command will fail"
    subnet=$(echo $myip | egrep -o '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}')
    declare -a hs100ip
    hs100ip=( $(nmap -Pn -p ${port} --open ${subnet} \
                | grep 'Nmap scan report for' \
                | egrep -o '(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})' ) \
            ) \
        || error "Could not find any hs100 plugs"

    # if we can't write this to /etc/hosts, echo what we found and quit
    if ! [ -w /etc/hosts ]
        echo HS100 plugs found: ${hs100ip[@]}
        return 0

    check_dependency shasum \
        "The shasum programme for hashing strings isn't"\
        "in the path, the sudo discover command will fail"
    check_dependency arp \
        "The arp programme to access Address Resolution Protocol cache isn't"\
        "in the path, the sudo discover command will fail"

    # remove existing hs100* hosts entries
    sed -i.bak /hs100/d /etc/hosts

    if [[ ${#hs100ip[@]} = 1 ]]
        host_entry hs100 $hs100ip
        return 0

    # multiple HS100 plugs on the network, hash MAC address for unique hostname
    for ip in ${hs100ip[@]}
        # since we just hit it with nmap, it should be in the arp cache
        mac=`mac_from_ip $ip`
        hs100host=`unique_hostname hs100 $mac`
        host_entry $hs100host $ip
    return 0

   check_arg "ip" $plugs
   check_arg "port" $port
   for ip in ${plugs[@]}
       printf "$ip\t"
       output=`send_to_plug $ip $port "$payload_query" \
               | decode \
               | egrep -o 'relay_state":[0,1]' \
               | egrep -o '[0,1]'`
       if (( output == 0 )); then
         echo OFF
       elif (( output == 1 )); then
         echo ON
         echo Couldn''t understand plug response $output

   query_plug "$payload_query"

   query_plug "$payload_emeter"

   check_arg "ip" $plugs
   check_arg "port" $port
   for ip in ${plugs[@]}
      send_to_plug $ip $port $payload_on > /dev/null

   check_arg "ip" $plugs
   check_arg "port" $port
   for ip in ${plugs[@]}
       send_to_plug $ip $port $payload_off > /dev/null

commands=" on off check status emeter discover list "

# run the Main progamme, if we are not being sourced
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then

# process args with getopt(1). See `man getopt`
args=`getopt qvi:p: $*` || { usage; exit 1; }
set -- $args

declare -a plugs;

for i #in $@
    case "$i" in
    -q) opt_quiet=yes; shift;;
    -v) set -o xtrace; shift;;
    -i) plugs=$2; shift; shift;;
    -p) port=$2; shift; shift;;
    --) shift; break;;
    #*)  error "Getopt broke! Found $i"

: ${plugs=`my_plugs`}
: ${port=9999}


check_dependency nc \
   "The nc programme for sending data over the network isn't" \
   "in the path, communication with the plug will fail"
check_dependency base64 \
   "The base64 programme for decoding base64 encoded strings isn't" \
   "info the path, decoding of payloads will fail"

check_arg "command" $cmd
check_command $cmd

case "$cmd" in
  discover) cmd_discover;;
  list)     plugs=`my_plugs`; for p in ${plugs[@]}; do echo $p; done;;
  on)       cmd_switch_on;;
  off)      cmd_switch_off;;
  check)    cmd_print_plug_relay_state;;
  status)   cmd_print_plug_status;;
  emeter)   cmd_print_plug_consumption;;
  *)        usage;;

fi # end main program

Top ToS ToC Skip

nvhda Enable nVidia GeForce GTX 970M Sound

Using DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Management System) the nvhda C program is automatically compiled with each kernel update.

nvhda - Install using DKMS 🔗

There is a nVidia GTX 970M Bug Report 🔗 that suggests problems may be caused by Laptop Management Package called TLP.

nvhda Key Features

Due to a bug between nVidia and Linux (perhaps caused by TLP) there is no sound when the system is powered up.

To solve this problem the nvhda C program is used. Whenever you install a new Linux Kernel version, the program is automatically recompiled by DKMS.

Top ToS ToC Skip

Discover IP addresses With ssh-setup


# NAME: ssh-setup
# PATH: /mnt/e/bin
# DESC: Display network details needed to setup SSH or debug after setup.
# CALL: Called from terminal with `sudo` permissions.
# DATE: June 18, 2020. Modified: June 23, 2020.

# NOTE: When debugging script place terminal results in appropriate sections.

# UPDT: Jun 23 2020: Change 'sshd.config' to 'ssh_config'. Add route and arp.

# From:

export LANG=C       # Force english names for sed search. For example in
                    # another language HWaddr is direcciĂłnHW

if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then # root powers needed to call this script
    echo >&2 "'$(basename $0)' must be called with 'sudo'"
    exit 1

# Must have the nmap package.
command -v nmap >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
        "'nmap' package required but it is not installed.  Aborting."; \
        exit 2; }

# Must have the lshw package.
command -v lshw >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \
        "'lshw' package required but it is not installed.  Aborting."; \
        exit 3; }


# $ network-test
# The program 'network-test' is currently not installed. You can install it
# by typing: 'sudo apt install ifupdown-extra'
# Seems kind of lame and has md5 checksum error.

# $ netstat | wc -l
# 824
# Way to many lines to make use of. Might be good to track down specific addy.

# $ iwconfig
# wlp60s0   IEEE 802.11  ESSID:"XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"  
#           Mode:Managed  Frequency:5.22 GHz  Access Point: AE:20:2E:CC:94:50   
#           Bit Rate=6 Mb/s   Tx-Power=23 dBm
# Reveals router name (EESID) which is bad for neighbours to know us by....

echo "Gathering system details - Will take 15 - 30 seconds"

Display () {

# $1 = command that was run (sometimes abridged version if lots of seds)
# $2 = output from command

echo " "
String1="==========  $1  "
echo "${String3:0:79}"
echo " "
echo "$2"

} # Display

# What systemd network services are running?
NET_Service="" # Default no directory
NET_Service=$(systemctl status net*)
Display 'systemctl status net*' "$NET_Service"

: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------


* - Network is Online
* networking.service - Raise network interfaces
* - Network
* - Network (Pre)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
# Is SSH systemd service (aliased as sshd) running?
SSH_Service="" # Default no directory
SSH_Service=$(systemctl status ssh)
Display 'systemctl status ssh' "$SSH_Service"

: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

● ssh.service
   Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
   Active: inactive (dead)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# What SSH keys are already setup?
SSH_Keys="" # Default no directory
[[ -d ~/.ssh ]] && SSH_Keys=$(ls -l ~/.ssh | \
                              grep -v ^total)
                              # remove total line
Display '[[ -d ~/.ssh ]] && SSH_Keys=$(ls -l ~/.ssh)' "$SSH_Keys"

: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------


---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# What SSH packages are currently installed?
SSH_Installed="" # Default no SSH packages
SSH_Installed=$(apt list 2>/dev/null | grep ssh | grep installed | \
                     sed 's/ \[installed.*//')
                     # remove [installed] & [installed, automatic] strings

Display "apt list 2>/dev/null | grep ssh | grep installed" "$SSH_Installed"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

libssh-4/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 0.6.3-4.3ubuntu0.5 amd64
libssh-gcrypt-4/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 0.6.3-4.3ubuntu0.5 amd64
libssh2-1/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 1.5.0-2ubuntu0.1 amd64
openssh-client/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now 1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.8 amd64
sshfs/xenial,now 2.5-1ubuntu1 amd64

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# What is the SSH configuration?
SSH_Config="" # Default no SSH packages
[[ -f /etc/ssh/ssh_config ]] && SSH_Config=$(cat /etc/ssh/ssh_config)
Display "cat /etc/ssh/ssh_config" "$SSH_Config"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# What IP address are on this machine?
LOCAL_IP_Addresses="" # Default machine has no network cards
LOCAL_IP_Addresses=$(ifconfig -a | grep -v ^' ' -A1 | \
                     grep -v '\-\-')
                     # grep to -v to remove extra lines
Display "ifconfig -a | grep -v ^' ' -A1" "$LOCAL_IP_Addresses"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

enp59s0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 28:f1:0e:2a:1a:ed  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:

wlp60s0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 9c:b6:d0:10:37:f7  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# What IP address (potential servers/clients) are visible on network?
NET_IP_Addresses="" # Default LAN is not running
NET_IP_Addresses=$(nmap -sn 192.168.0/24 | \
                   sed '/^Starting Nmap/d' | \
                   sed '/^Nmap done/d' | \
                   sed -z 's/Nmap scan report for //g' | \
                   sed -z 's/\nHost is up\./ LOCAL NETWORK CARD/g' | \
                   sed -z 's/\nHost is up / /g' | \
                   sed -z 's/\nMAC Address: / MAC: /g' )
#                   sed 's/MAC.*(/(/g') # MAC makes line too long
                   # Use sed to remove line breaks making results lengthy
Display "nmap -sn 192.168.0/24" "$NET_IP_Addresses"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

hitronhub.home ( (0.0011s latency). MAC: AC:20:2E:CC:94:52 (Unknown)
dell ( (0.00026s latency). MAC: 5C:F9:DD:5C:9C:53 (Dell)
dell ( (0.00026s latency). MAC: 5C:F9:DD:5C:9C:53 (Dell)
hs100 ( (-0.078s latency). MAC: 50:D4:F7:EB:41:35 (Unknown)
android-47cdabb50f83a5ee ( (-0.076s latency). MAC: 18:4F:32:8D:AA:97 (Hon Hai Precision Ind.) (0.00045s latency). MAC: 00:05:CA:00:00:09 (Hitron Technology)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#What network cards are installed:
NetworkCards="" # Contents of /etc/hosts should contain all IP addresses on LAN
NetworkCards=$(lshw -c network | grep -Ei 'description|product|serial' | \
               sed 's/       description: //g' |  \
               sed -z 's/\n       product: /: /g' | \
               sed -z 's/\n       serial: / - /g')
Display "lshw -c network | grep -Ei 'description|product|serial'" "$NetworkCards"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

Ethernet interface: Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet Controller - 28:f1:0e:2a:1a:ed
Wireless interface: QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter - 9c:b6:d0:10:37:f7
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# Email /etc/hosts file to yourself and update contents below on machine
STATIC_IP_Addresses="" # Contents of /etc/hosts should contain all IP addresses on LAN
STATIC_IP_Addresses=$(cat /etc/hosts | grep 192.168)
Display "cat /etc/hosts | grep 192.168" "$STATIC_IP_Addresses"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------    alien  AW 17R3 WiFi                   9c:b6:d0:10:37:f7    alien  AW 17R3 Ethernet               28:f1:0e:2a:1a:ed    dell   Inspiron 17R-SE-7720 Ethernet  5c:f9:dd:5c:9c:53    dell   Inspiron 17R-SE-7720 WiFi      60:6c:66:86:de:bd    hs100  Sony TV Wall Light    android-47cdabb50f83a5ee  Sony Bravia TV KBL 50W800C

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# Firewall
# Selecteend TLP stats that might prove helpful for debuggin.
ufw_stats="" # Contents of /etc/hosts should contain all IP addresses on LAN
ufw_stats=$(ufw status verbose)
Display "FIREWALL: ufw status verbose" "$ufw_stats"

echo "-------------- \
For above setting check that ports 9 & 22 allowed --------------"
echo "Port  9 is usually used for Wake On Lan (WOL)"
echo "Port 22 is usually used for remote terminal login"

: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed)
New profiles: skip
-------------- Any error messages below are coming from tlp-stat --------------
cat: /sys/class/power_supply/hidpp_battery_23/present: No such file or directory
cat: /sys/class/power_supply/hidpp_battery_24/present: No such file or directory

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

echo -------------- \
Any error messages below are coming from tlp-stat --------------
# Selected TLP stats that might prove helpful for debuggin.
TLP_stats="" # Contents of /etc/hosts should contain all IP addresses on LAN
command -v tlp-stat >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
    TLP_stats=$(tlp-stat | grep -E '^autosuspend|ENABLE|WOL')
Display "tlp-stat | grep -E '^autosuspend|ENABLE|WOL'" "$TLP_stats"
: <<'END'

/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

autosuspend        = enabled

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

: <<'END'
/* ------------------  WOL (Wake On LAN) General Comments  --------------------

*******************  UBUNTU 16.04  *******************



In Ubuntu 16.04 set WOL_DISABLE=N in /etc/default/tlp to avoid getting WOL 
disabled by TLP power management.

Add NETDOWN=no in /etc/default/halt to prevent powering off the network
card during shutdown

Enable Wake on LAN in /etc/network/interfaces when static network 
configuration is used.

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        up ethtool -s eth0 wol g

Enable wake on lan in BIOS, enter the BIOS setup and look for something
called "Wake up on PCI event", "Wake up on LAN" or similar. Change it so
that it is enabled. Save your settings and reboot.

Warning some motherboards / network controllers don't support WOL from the
cold boot (S5 state, where the power to the system is physically turned off 
and back on again). In that case, at least one power cycle (power up, 
shutdown) has to be performed. To mitigate to the problem, the BIOS can be 
configured to power up when AC is restored and schedule a shutdown inside 
Ubuntu afterwards. Refer to the motherboard's manual for further details.

*******************  UBUNTU 18.04  *******************

NOTE: In Ubuntu 18.04 /etc/network/interfaces maybe DEPRECATED
      You might have to create your own script for WOL in:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# WOL from:
# apt install ethtool
# ethtool -s eth0 wol g

# Above is NOT PERSISTENT across suspend/resume cycle so issue upon resume
# not just boot. /etc/network/interfaces above has setup.

# Archwiki:
# apt install wakeonlan
# wol target_MAC_address

# From:
# wol-wakeonlan-guide-remotely-turn-on-servers-without-physical-access/
# wakeonlan 5c:f9:dd:5c:9c:53

# Do we have 'NETDOWN=no' line present for machines that shutdown"?
HaltConfig="" # Default no file
[[ -f /etc/default/halt ]] && HaltConfig=$(cat /etc/default/halt)
Display 'cat /etc/default/halt' "$HaltConfig"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

# Default behaviour of shutdown -h / halt. Set to "halt" or "poweroff".

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# Do we have static IP addresses setup?
NetworkInterfaces="" # Default no file
[[ -f /etc/network/interfaces ]] && NetworkInterfaces=$(cat /etc/network/interfaces)
Display 'cat /etc/network/interfaces' "$NetworkInterfaces"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
# /etc/network/interfaces
# For Ubuntu 16.04 ONLY according to notes in ssh-setup
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        up ethtool -s eth0 wol g

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# Hide your router address below if publishing!
nmcliConnections="" # Default no file
nmcliConnections=$(nmcli -p connection show)
Display 'nmcli -p connection show' "$nmcliConnections"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

                         NetworkManager connection profiles
NAME                UUID                                  TYPE             DEVICE  
Xxxx-Xxxxxx-Xx      cf8fda92-0e59-4d0e-8821-cedb4be10d26  802-11-wireless  wlp60s0 
Wired connection 1  378122bb-ad44-3ddd-a616-c93e1bf0f828  802-3-ethernet   enp59s0 
Xxxxxxxxx-5G        73c40a50-0f2e-431c-b12c-e4712b3abdb4  802-11-wireless  --      

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

EthernetInterface=$(ifconfig -a | grep ^'e' | cut -d' ' -f1)
Display "ifconfig -a | grep ^'e' | cut -d' ' -f1" \
"Ethernet Interface that could be used for WOL:   $EthernetInterface"
: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

Ethernet Interface that could be used for WOL:   enp59s0

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# What WOL_Settings exist for Ethernet Interface?
WOL_Setting="'ethtool' not installed."
command -v ethtool >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
    WOL_Setting="$(ethtool $EthernetInterface | grep -i 'Wake-on:')"
Display "ethtool $EthernetInterface | grep -i 'Wake-on:'" "$WOL_Setting"
: <<'END'

/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

Supports Wake-on: pumbag
Wake-on: g

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

# What WOL_Settings exist for Ethernet Interface?
Route="'ethtool' not installed."
Display "route" "$Route"
: <<'END'

/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         hitronhub.home         UG    100    0        0 enp59s0
default         hitronhub.home         UG    600    0        0 wlp60s0
link-local      *          U     1000   0        0 enp59s0     *        U     100    0        0 enp59s0     *        U     600    0        0 wlp60s0

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

Arp="'apr' not installed."
Display "arp" "$Arp"
: <<'END'

/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------

Address                  HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface                      (incomplete)                              enp59s0            ether   00:05:ca:00:00:09   C                     enp59s0
hs100                    ether   50:d4:f7:eb:41:35   C                     enp59s0
dell                     ether   5c:f9:dd:5c:9c:53   C                     enp59s0
hitronhub.home           ether   ac:20:2e:cc:94:52   C                     enp59s0
android-47cdabb50f83a5e  ether   18:4f:32:8d:aa:97   C                     enp59s0
hitronhub.home           ether   ac:20:2e:cc:94:52   C                     wlp60s0               ether   ac:20:2e:cc:94:52   C                     enp59s0
dell                             (incomplete)                              enp59s0

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

Display 'END OF REPORT' ""


: <<'END'
/* ------------ RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

Top ToS ToC