The Cookie Machine - Click here to drag window

DUMMY TEXT - Real text set in assets/js/theCookieMachine.js

If you can read me, I'm broken!

A sample project for doing Laundry appears above when there are no projects defined. After adding new project(s), the sample project can be deleted.

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Tim-ta Alarm Clock Image
Move mouse here for alarm simulation

Tim-ta is short for “Timed - tasks”. Tim-ta processes countdown timers where each task is always a predetermined amount of time. For example, when doing the laundry the task times could be:

  ◆   15 minutes and 30 seconds for washing

  ◆   13 minutes and 15 seconds for rinsing

  ◆   58 minutes for the dryer

With Tim-ta you arrive at the washer and dryer the exact second you need to be there. You’ll Never miss the rinse cycle fabric softener to eliminate static cling. You’ll never have wrinkled clothes from being left overnight in the dryer.

Here are other examples where you can use Tim-ta:

Tim-ta Key Features

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Table of Contents

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Upload Custom Sound Files

Selected Sounds in Memory

Upload sound files with the file dialog ("Select some files") or by dragging and dropping files onto the dashed region

Remove files
Upload files

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Custom Sound Files (Uploaded)

Below are custom sound files that have been uploaded. If no custom sounds have been uploaded, then you will only see a solid line.


The Firefox Web Browser limits localStorage to 5 Megabytes (MB). That doesn’t allow for many custom sound files. Other web browsers have a larger quota based on percentage of total disk space, e.g. 60%. To increase the quota in Firefox, follow these steps:

Enter about:config in the address bar -> search for -> edit value and enter larger value; e.g. 25120 for 25 Megabytes. The default is 5120 for 5 Megabytes.


Firefox doesn’t support .wav files very well. It is recommended you convert them to .mp3 or similar format before uploading. For example, from the console / command line, use:

ffmpeg -i track01.wav -acodec mp3 track01.mp3

The above converts filename track01.wav to filename track01.mp3. In addition to using the console, you can also use one of the free online media conversion services.

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Stock Sound Files

The following sound files are always available direct from the Pippim Website.

These are Tim-ta stock sound files you can use when a timer task ends:

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Download Tim-ta Configuration

Download your TIm-ta Configuration from your browser’s Local Storage. You can send the download to another device or browser. You can attach the file to an email message to yourself to serve as a backup.

Upload Tim-ta Configuration

Upload TIm-ta Configuration to Local Storage. New Projects and new Tasks will be added. Existing Projects and Tasks will be updated.

Projects and Tasks are never be deleted.

Imported Sound filenames are ignored because they may not exist.

Selected Configuration in Memory

Upload Tim-ta JSON files with the file dialog ("Select some files") or by dragging and dropping files onto the dashed region

Remove files
Upload files

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Upload Tim-ta Configuration Tutorial

If you already have a file ready for importing, skip this section.

In this section, a sample video walks you through the configuration upload process. An existing project from the Pippim Website will be imported.

Hover over line below and select the Copy button:

In the next section, the copied text will be pasted into your Web Browser.

Sample Tim-ta work-out-1.json Projects from GitHub

Open a new Browser Tab then, right-click in the address bar and select Paste and Go or select Paste and press Enter . The screen below will appear:

Tim-ta Sample Workout-1 on GitHub
Tim-ta Sample Workout-1 on GitHub

Click the fourth last icon:

Tim-ta GitHub Download Icon

The download icon appears as the fourth last icon in the screenshot. Click the icon to start the Web Browser’s Download function.

Sample Web Browser Download Open / Save Dialog Box

When downloading files, your Web Browser will ask if you want to “Open” the file or “Save” the file.

In this screen example, change the default from Open to Save:

tim-ta work-out-1 download save file.png
tim-ta work-out-1 download save file.png

The downloaded configuration file will appear in your Downloads directory. The directory/folder name will vary depending on Operating System (Linux, Windows, Mac, etc.), Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc.) and User Settings.

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Upload Tim-ta Configuration Sample Video

In this section, a sample video walks you through the configuration upload process. An existing project from the Pippim Website will be imported.

In the previous section, a sample configuration called work-out-1.json was downloaded from GitHub. If you skipped that section, and do not have a file to upload, you will need to do that section.

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Tim-ta Buttons

These are the buttons used in Tim-ta.

  Listen to sound file.

  Stop listening to sound file.

  In the footer, edit configuration settings. On detail line for small screen, open more buttons control box.

+  Add a new project or a new task.

  Go back one screen or cancel operation.

  Display list of projects or list of tasks.

  Edit a Project or Task.

🗑  Delete a Project or Task.

  Run Project’s Timed Tasks.

Δ  Override currently running Task’s time remaining.

  Move a Project or Task up in list.

  Move a Project or Task down in list.

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Timer Countdown Override Buttons

While a Task Timer is counting down, you can click on the progress bar and the task timer override box appears. You can also click the Delta (“Δ”) Override button and the currently running progress bar is automatically selected.

Open task override.gif

  Restart Task timer.

  Rewind Task timer 10 seconds.

  If playing, then pause. If paused, then play.

+  Fast forward Task timer 10 seconds.

  Go to Task timer end.

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Tim-ta Configuration Kept in Local Storage

A single file called ttaConfig stores Configuration settings, Projects and Tasks. You should backup this file! See the Download section to create a backup. The backup can be used on another device or browser. For example you can create projects in FireFox, make a backup and restore it in Chrome Browser. See the Upload section to restore a backup or add new projects another person sent you.

ttaConfig is kept in “Local Storage”. Local Storage is also used to store stock alarm sound file and custom sound files. Each of your devices and browsers will keep it’s own copy of local storage. To transfer data between two browsers or different devices use the Upload/Download discussed in the previous paragraph.

One advantage of Local Storage is your ISP can’t see your projects. Websites, including this Pippim website, can’t see your projects, and any internet traffic hackers can’t see your projects. Although the Tim-ta application is “in the clouds”, your project data is not stored “in the clouds” and never transmitted.

Another advantage of Local Storage is it’s many times faster than the internet because it simply sits on your device and isn’t transmitted over external wires into your building.

To view Local Storage (from Chrome and Firefox browsers):

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Running Project Timers in a Popup Window

On large monitors, or on multiple-monitor systems, you can run Project Task Timers in a popup window. The smaller popup window can then be mostly covered up by other working windows.

When the smaller popup window sounds an alarm it will move above the other working windows.

Browser Permissions

In order to allow popup windows, go to Firefox settings:

Pippim website allow popups.png
Pippim website allow popups.png

Notice how popups are allowed for the website. This allows the popup window to gain focus when alarm sounds. If you don’t set this then popup window still runs but, it doesn’t steal focus when alarm sounds. EG it stays in the background behind other windows when the alarm sounds.

When you close a popup window the last position and size is saved. The next time you run the timer the popup window appears at the last saved location.

Each project has it’s own popup window location saved. So from two different browser tabs you can have two popup windows running simultaneously.

As of September 18, 2022 browsers have limitations on multiple monitor setups. Namely on some monitors the popup window will refuse to open at the far right or far bottom. It will be moved by the browser further left or further up accordingly. The browser companies are currently working on upgrades for better support of multiple-monitor setups.

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