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Views: 58,747     Votes:  72     ✅ Solution
Tags: command-line   calendar  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Is there a command to display a Calendar in the terminal?
ID: /2017/03/03/Is-there-a-command-to-display-a-Calendar-in-the-terminal_
Created: March 3, 2017    Edited:  March 11, 2022
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cal calendar command for terminal

You can use the cal command to display a calendar in Julian or Gregorian format. The format depends on your locale settings but can be toggled with parameters.

As the screen below shows the default calendar is the current month. You can use the parameter -A 2 to display the next two months or 2018 to display all months in that year:


Ubuntu versions after 20.04

After version 20.04 you may have to use

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ncal

Note the ncal package does include the cal command. Also note that ncal is available out of the box in earlier Ubuntu versions before 20.04 as well.

For example on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ECM:

$ ncal

    March 2022        
Su     6 13 20 27   
Mo     7 14 21 28   
Tu  1  8 15 22 29   
We  2  9 16 23 30   
Th  3 10 17 24 31   
Fr  4 11 18 25      
Sa  5 12 19 26      
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