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Tags: networking   dell   ethernet   dockstation  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Need to reconnect ethernet cable to get it work after docking laptop into dock station
ID: /2017/10/05/Need-to-reconnect-ethernet-cable-to-get-it-work-after-docking-laptop-into-dock-station
Created: October 5, 2017
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A few months ago an automatic update broke my Ethernet suspend/resume after it was working perfectly for 6 months or so. It happened to a few other users here around the same time.

The solution for me was to create a script that gets executed when resuming from suspend:


# NAME: r8169-reset
# PATH: /lib/systemd/system-sleep
# DESC: Reset Ethernet card after suspend, not working automatically
# DATE: Feb ?? 2017. Modified: Apr 30, 2017.


restart_ethernet() {
   /usr/bin/logger $MYNAME 'restart_ethernet(r8169) BEGIN'
   /sbin/modprobe -v -r r8169
   # /sbin/modprobe -v -r mii
   /sbin/modprobe -v r8169
   /usr/bin/logger 'systemctl restart NetworkManager.service (SUPPRESED)'
   /usr/bin/logger $MYNAME 'restart_ethernet(r8169) END'

/usr/bin/logger $MYNAME 'case=[' ${1}' ]'
case "${1}/${2}" in

Save the script to /lib/systemd/system-sleep/r8169-reset. Of course change this script name to your actual driver name. Also change the driver kernel module name within the script.

Note the line:

/usr/bin/logger 'systemctl restart NetworkManager.service (SUPPRESED)'

Sometimes simply restarting the network manager is all that is needed and you can try that too.

You’ll need sudo powers to save the file. For good measure I always mark these scripts as executable using:

sudo chmod a+x /lib/systemd/system-sleep/r8169-reset

You can check /var/log/syslog to see output from the script.

Hope this works for you.

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