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Tags: 16.04   graphics   mouse   screen   brightness  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Screen brightness changes when moving mouse to certain areas (XPS13 9379 - Ubuntu)
ID: /2018/02/13/Screen-brightness-changes-when-moving-mouse-to-certain-areas-_XPS13-9379-Ubuntu_
Created: February 13, 2018    Edited:  February 13, 2018
Upload: April 8, 2024    Layout:  post
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I believe it’s caused by adaptive brightness:

01-25-2017 07:40 AM RE: Dell XPS 13 (9360) FHD, Adaptive Brightness
Issue ?

There is no β€œissue”.

The Dell XPS 13 9360 ships with a design feature called
β€œcontent-adaptive brightness control” (CABC). This feature will change
the brightness of the screen depending on the content that is rendered
on the screen.

A number of customers do not like this design feature (me included, by
the way). As a result, Dell have made available a tool which allows
turning off / turning on of CABC (…/DriversDetails ).
This tool is _only_ available for systems with the QHD display, as,
apparently, the tool reconfigures the screen panel firmware.

For the record: personally, I am very happy with CABC turned off on my
QHD display. I am also very happy that there is no dynamic brightness
control (reacting to environment brightness) is implemented either.

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