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Views: 4,182β€…    Votes:  1β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: internet   ethernet   lan   19.04  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How to add LAN driver?
ID: /2019/04/27/How-to-add-LAN-driver_
Created: April 27, 2019
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Each Ubuntu version uses a different kernel chain. After upgrading to Ubuntu version 19.04 your kernel version changed. To find the new version number type uname -r. Then use that in your command. For example:

$ uname -r

$ sudo dkms add r8168/8.046.00 -k 4.14.110-0414110-generic

To reinstall dkms driver for the rtl8168 use:

``` sudo apt update sudo apt install –reinstall r8168-dkms


You may not need dkms RTL8168 driver add on with version 5.0 kernel. The RTL8169 driver has been improved in this kernel version as per Linux Kernel 5.0 Released! Check Out The New Features:

Here are some of the major new changes in Kernel 5.0:

The RTL8168 driver has been manually installed by many users because of RTL8169 flaws for their network cards.

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