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Views: 104β€…    Votes:  1β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: drivers   nvidia   graphics  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Problem switching to Ubuntu from Windows
ID: /2021/01/24/Problem-switching-to-Ubuntu-from-Windows
Created: January 24, 2021
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I’ll answer all your questions below although typically there should only be one question per question.

  1. Hardware: So I want to completely switch to linux, no dual boot. The only thing I am afraid of is if I will be able to use my current hardware.

Your hardware is fine. However I would keep windows, shrink the partition down and install Ubuntu alongside Windows.

  1. Storage: As I mentioned above, I have two drives on my laptop. A C: and a D:.

Ubuntu supports multiple drives.

  1. β€œCan I go back?”.

Follow the advise in 1. and install Ubuntu alongside Windows. Then it’s not a question of β€œgoing back” because β€œyou never left”.

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